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About Kate Chesser

Have you ever felt..

  • The more you practice, the more positive you try and be, the worse you play?

  • You’ve come back from injury and although you’ve recovered physically, you haven’t reached the level you were at before the injury?

  • You’re on a run of poor form and you can’t stop it?

  • A match is yours for the taking, but you can’t seem to finish it off?

  • Although you're feeling pretty good, match day nerves get the better of you?

If so, you are not alone.

Playing competitively can like being on an emotional rollercoaster.. 

You’re often on your own out there, you know you have it in you to play great, you’ve experienced it before so you know what that feels like. 

For no apparent reason though it sometimes doesn’t go to plan.

Errors creep in, self doubt comes from nowhere and even though you know the self abuse isn’t helping, you can’t stop the negative chatter going round and round in your head. 

Then before you know it, the tide has turned and in the blink of an eye you have to shake your opponents hand and say, “Well played, great match.” 

The next day you go back to the practicing, and work on whatever skill, technique, tactic or strategy it was that you think went wrong for you.. and the cycle continues.

How Can I Help?

  1. Using EFT, hypnothrpay and other mental game techniques, I can help you overcome the mental obstacles that get in your way of success so you play your best.. effortlessly and more often.
  2. As a Nutritional Therapist I can help you gain the competitive advantage and optimise your nutrition, training and recovery based on personalised recommendations based on testing.
  3. I hold consultations over Zoom or face to face.

Kate’s Story

  From the age of about 8, you could find me on a tennis court most days.. 

I just loved it. I was in my element, whether it be playing socially with friends, singles, doubles, mixed doubles.. or competing in tournaments.  

It didn’t matter.  

I just loved hitting a ball.

To be honest I loved playing most sports.

Then, 2005 happened and life threw me a curveball.  

I got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. 

I couldn’t stand without holding on.

I had to use a stick to walk with.


So all the sport that I’d grown up playing I had to stop.

I was heartbroken.

It was so unfair.

I felt defeated.

I had to give up the game I loved.

One day I turned on the tv and saw wheelchair tennis being played at Wimbledon. And I thought OMG I could do that!!

I found a new passion in wheelchair tennis.. but if only it was that easy to pick up where I left off.

I got myself back out on court, but something that I had previously found so easy was now so hard.

I got embarrassed when I messed up the easiest of shots. 

I was so frustrated with myself for not being able to do the basics.

Literally every time I went out on court was a brutal reminder of the player I once was. 

The more I practised the more frustrating it got.

Self doubt kicked in and I didn’t believe I’d ever be able to to play.

My motivation started to wane.

I never thought I’d be able to do it.

The immense frustration I felt every time I played was palpable. 

Tennis had always made me so happy, but now, it was becoming unenjoyable.

I started to feel like giving up.

I remember one day in particular where the sun was out, it was perfect conditions but I was playing so badly I was so negative and down on myself.  

The way I was speaking to myself was terrible but I couldn’t stop myself.  

I really hit rock bottom 

I was so angry and frustrated with myself

It was a horrible feeling and my attitude was so off.

So I knew I had to do something about it because the more I tried to balm myself down, the worse it got.

I couldn’t carry on like this.

All the coaching, new equipment and practice wasn’t going to change it.


So that’s when I started to dive into the world of EFT and hypnotherapy.  

I needed something different as I felt like I’d tried everything else.


So I started using EFT and self hypnosis and since that day everything turned around for me.

WOW!  I dealt with things that I’d thought I’d already dealt with

I addressed my self belief and confidence

Self esteem and what I thought I was worth.

I got to the root causes of how I was feeling so I was able to let them go.

In the end I was able to remind myself of how I feel when I play well.  

The transformation was truly amazing. 

I love playing tennis again.

I look forward to it everyday.

I play socially

I play in tournaments

Do I make mistakes? Yes

Do I believe I can get better? Yes

Do I get frustrated? No

And now I get to help others do the same. 

I help athletes from all sports raise the standard of their game. Many of whom are going through frustrations in their sport. They also have this breakthrough and love playing their game and are achieving their goals and dreams.

I’ve found this approach works for every sport. 

I’ve helped athletes turn their game around in everything from powerlifting, netball, tennis, basketball, golf, cricket, to football.. and it works every time.

If I can and they can, you can too.

All it takes is the decision.

if you want to overcome mental obstacles, get your game on point & raise your game, then DM me the word 'SPORT' and we can have a quick chat

Schedule a call with me to discuss your situation and find out more.


 Kate Chesser MSc, BA, dipION

BA Physical Education/Psychology

Clinical Hypnotherapist 

EFT/NLP Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique/NeuroLinguistic Programming)

IET Practitioner (Integrated Energy Therapies: EFT, NLP, Hypnotherapy)

SCENAR Therapist (Self-Controlled Energy Neuro Adaptive Regulator)

Nutritional Therapist 

Health Coach 

MSc Information Systems Design